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Interesting Facts

Bread is banned on space missions. The crumbs pose a risk to equipment and can be a choking hazard in microgravity. Instead, astronauts use tortillas, which don’t produce crumbs, making them safer for space travel.


Archaeologists have discovered pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible. Honey’s unique chemical composition allows it to last indefinitely without spoiling, making it one of the most durable foods.


In the 'The Legend of Zelda' series, Zelda is not the main character. The protagonist is actually Link, a courageous young man who often embarks on quests to rescue Princess Zelda and save the kingdom of Hyrule.

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Octopuses have three hearts: two pump blood to the gills, while the third pumps it to the rest of the body. Interestingly, the heart that delivers blood to the body stops beating when the octopus swims, which is why these creatures prefer crawling.


A day on Venus is longer than its year. Venus takes 243 Earth days to complete one rotation on its axis but only 225 Earth days to complete one orbit around the Sun. This means that on Venus, a day lasts longer than a year.


The Eiffel Tower can be 15 cm taller during the summer. This is due to thermal expansion, meaning the iron structure expands when the temperature rises. Conversely, it contracts in the winter, making it slightly shorter.


Dolphins use unique whistles to identify and call each other, similar to how humans use names. Each dolphin develops its own signature whistle, which it retains for life, and other dolphins recognize and respond to these unique sounds.


The Great Wall of China is often said to be visible from space, but this is a myth. However, it is one of the longest structures ever built, stretching over 13,000 miles. Its purpose was to protect Chinese states and empires from invasions.


Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth, grows about 4 millimeters each year due to the constant movement of tectonic plates. This growth is a result of the Indian plate pushing northwards into the Eurasian plate.


William Shakespeare is credited with coining over 1,700 words in the English language. Some of these words include 'bedroom,' 'gossip,' 'swagger,' and 'undress.' His inventive use of language has had a lasting impact on English literature.


More Interesting Facts

Humans share about 60% of their DNA with bananas. Despite the vast differences between humans and bananas, this shared genetic material highlights the common ancestry of all living organisms and the fundamental building blocks of life.


The longest place name in the world is Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu, a hill in New Zealand. The name has 85 characters and translates to 'The summit where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, the climber of mountains, the land-swallower who travelled about, played his nose flute to his loved one.'


Sharks have been around for about 400 million years, while the earliest trees appeared around 350 million years ago. This means that sharks are older than trees and have survived five mass extinction events.


Occasionally, a leap second is added to our clocks to keep them in sync with the Earth's rotation. The Earth's rotation isn't constant, and small adjustments are needed to ensure our timekeeping remains accurate. The most recent leap second was added on December 31, 2016.


The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn. This mythical creature has been a symbol of Scotland for centuries, representing purity, innocence, and power. The unicorn appears on the Scottish royal coat of arms and other heraldic symbols.


Botanically, bananas are classified as berries, while strawberries are not. A berry, by definition, is a fleshy fruit produced from a single ovary. By this definition, bananas and tomatoes qualify, but strawberries and raspberries do not.


In Norse mythology, Thor’s hammer Mjölnir was said to be so heavy that only Thor himself could wield it. The hammer was forged by dwarves and always returned to Thor when thrown.


Mario, the iconic character from Nintendo, wasn't always a plumber. In his debut in 'Donkey Kong' (1981), he was a carpenter. It wasn’t until 'Super Mario Bros.' in 1985 that he took on the role of a plumber.

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James Cameron's 'Avatar' (2009) is the highest-grossing film of all time, having earned over $2.8 billion worldwide. Its record-breaking box office performance redefined cinematic success.


The ThrustSSC, a British jet-propelled car, holds the world land speed record. It achieved a speed of 763 mph (1,228 km/h) in 1997, becoming the first car to officially break the sound barrier.
